Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mango Chiffon Cake

This is the first time I tried making mango chiffon cake, using recipe from Kevin Chai's Chiffon Cake is Done. In fact first time trying out his recipe after I bought the recipe book in March. All I can say is this chiffon cake is very good in texture, moist yet fluffy soft!
I did omit some of the ingredients as called for in the recipe like chopped cherries, mango essence, reducing sugar and replacing milk with passionfruit juice (so happen that I have one in the fridge and its drying up). Without the mango essence, the cake is still full of mango fragrance! The only things is I forgot that I have very sweet mango, so next time maybe can reduce the sugar further.


Anonymous said...


Your chiffon cake looks so yummy.

Would like to know where do you buy the Kevin Chai's Chiffon cake recipe book.


Woon said...


Thanks, I came across the book in a small bakery shop in a small town in Malaysia. Maybe you can try Popular or Kinokuniya, they might be able to order for you if it is not in stock.